12th-16th July 2021

Get crystal clear clarity on your future, heal from the past and learn how to fall head over heels in love with yourself in the present.

This immersive live experience will help you break free from any relationship issues or separation struggles you are currently going through. Be prepared to uncover the true you and feel a freedom like you’ve never felt before!

Lovely, if you...

  • Are currently experiencing relationship problems or have gone through a divorce, separation or breakup.
  • Feel like you don’t know who you are anymore, as for the longest time you’ve tied your sense of self to someone else.
  • Have been putting everybody else before yourself for as long as you can remember, whether that’s your partner, children, other family and friends or work.
  • ​Find yourself focusing on the negatives, unable to find gratitude for the good things you have in your life.
  • Have no sense of self worth and low confidence which is affecting your day-to-day happiness.

And you want to...

  • Be able to give yourself the love you seek from others, and stop relying on external sources for validation.
  • Learn proven-to-work practices you can use time and time again to return to your inner sense of peace and protect yourself from things outside of your control. 
  • Know how to nourish yourself on a mind, body and soul level with tried and tested tools and techniques.
  • ​Empower yourself to take your healing into your own hands so you can finally, finally move forward with ease, grace and flow.
  • ​Rise up and step into a brand new reality where you feel more confident about and excited for the future.

...then The SELF Love Challenge is for you!

How it works...

1. Sign up using the form below.

2. We'll send you a confirmation email with a link to the exclusive Facebook group.

3. Show up in the group at 9:30am Monday-Friday. 
(If you can't make it live, you can watch back later!)

By the end of this week you will have:

Strengthened your relationship with yourself, which will have a knock-on effect on everyone around you.
A fresh perspective on your relationship and/or breakup struggles, which will allow you to take positive action towards changing your situation.
A clear vision of what’s available to you, with direction on exactly how to create the life you desire and deserve.
An unshakeable self belief and confidence. A greater sense of self love - different to any kind you’ve felt before. 

By the end of this week you will have:

Strengthened your relationship with yourself, which will have a knock-on effect on everyone around you.
A fresh perspective on your relationship and/or breakup struggles, which will allow you to take positive action towards changing your situation.
A clear vision of what’s available to you, with direction on exactly how to create the life you desire and deserve.
An unshakeable self belief and confidence. A greater sense of self love - different to any kind you’ve felt before. 

Get ready to see yourself 
in a new light with...

The Rise Method

Each day will be centred around a different theme to help you dig deep within yourself and uncover a new sense of self worth. 

Day 1


On day 1 we delve into the beliefs that have shaped all of our relationships up until now. We’ll be working on learning how to overcome negative thinking and how to deal with emotional overwhelm. Plus, we’ll start to use the magic of manifestation to attract a brighter future!
Day 2


Next, we will explore how to get more clear on the change you want to see and the future you want to create. I will show you that your deepest wounds are your biggest blessings as they can lead to major growth and transformation. Once we have this understanding, we will use powerful techniques to help you get more clarity on your situation than ever before.
Day 3


At the mid-way point, it’s time to learn how to cultivate courage and use it for good in all areas of your relationship, breakup or separation. We’ll work on setting boundaries and explore how to stop saying ‘yes’ when you really mean ‘no’. It requires bravery to step into the new vision you have for your life, so we’ll also be working on how to feel comfortable making the shift from where you are now to where you are going.
Day 4


The more confidence you have the more you are able to show up for yourself in all areas of your life. So on day 4 we’ll be focusing on the self-esteem and self worth piece. There has never been a better time to rise again and live life on your terms. It’s time to love yourself fully!
Day 5


It takes dedication to go all in on saying YES to reclaiming the life you desire and deserve. What’s more, getting through the trials and tribulations of relationship struggles, break up or separation requires your commitment to achieving the transformation you want to see. On day 5, you will come to understand the power of giving yourself permission to turn your inner light on and fully commit to growth.

These are the exact 5 steps that I’ve used to help hundreds of women feel empowered and find themselves again in the midst of their problems in love or break up, separation or divorce.

This experience will be full of teachings, tools and techniques to help you at whatever stage of your relationship or relationship breakdown you are at.

All you have to do is say YES to you...

A Bit About Me

Hi, I'm Lucy...

I help women fall in love with themselves and their lives again as they navigate their way through relationship difficulties or breakdowns.

10 years ago, I was in a very different place to where I am now. My marriage was over, I had 2 very young boys to care for whilst dealing with a divorce and becoming a single parent. I was in a state of blind panic and fear, with very low self esteem, and was self sabotaging and self medicating to try and ‘fix’ things. I knew I had to find a way through the fog and get clear on how to build myself back up again.

This was the beginning of a new journey for me. A path of self discovery… of looking deep within myself to identify the habits and behaviours that had led me to this point, and rewrite the stories I had carried for years. 

I was lost and went in search of myself. That’s where I found Kundalini yoga, mantra, meditation and teachings that changed my whole perspective - and changed my life. For the first time I discovered a real heightened awareness. I had a deep desire to care for my body, mind and soul. I started to feel more compassion for myself, and my ex too. I felt less judgement, less negativity, and knew with all my heart that I was ready to set that part of my life free and move on.

Because I’ve been able to transform my own life, I’ve now made it my mission to help other women on the same journey (or similar!).

If you'd like support and guidance through your relationship and/or breakup struggles...

...This SELF Love Challenge is the perfect place to start!

What others are saying about me:

“Lucy has a huge amount of knowledge and experience in divorce and overcoming grief. She is incisive and insightful in getting to the root of the matter for you. A brilliant divorce coach, yoga teacher and ultimately life coach, who makes you look at your fears head on, makes them acceptable and helps you climb over them.”
“Lucy has empathy, but also doesn’t let you drown in self pity, this is about empowerment and letting go, to move on to a brighter clearer future with a supportive experienced and caring hand.”
“After years and years of thinking and therapy, the emphasis here on connecting the theory to the body and bringing it into the real world has been both refreshing and profound. I have been inspired to commit to a daily practice and given the tools and insight to know how to nourish myself in bleak moments and to work through the pain with a deep understanding of my own story and a newly restored faith in the future.”

Competition Time

Take part in the challenge and be in with a chance to win a scholarship to my Loss to Liberation programme!

It’s THE 10 week programme to help you reconnect to yourself and not only survive - but thrive - as you navigate your way through relationship difficulties, divorce or breakup struggles.


All you have to do is show up for the challenge for all 5 days.

Then, each and every day, post a photo or story on Instagram tagging @lucykeavenycoach and using the hashtags #TeamLucy #RiseAgain.

The winner will be selected at random and announced on 19th July!

The secret is...

...learning to love yourself first!

With The SELF Love Challenge, you won’t only learn to survive through your relationship struggles or breakup, you’ll learn how to THRIVE!

Are you ready?

L U C Y  K E A V E N Y
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